Eurociser/ Horse Walker - Rehab, Conditioning, Additional Exercise

- 66 feet diameter
- Horses are not attached, instead have individual compartments
- Security camera system installed to monitor horses
- Integrated irrigation system for eliminating dust
- Equitrack for an optimal footing experience
With the addition of the 20m diameter horse walker by Europe’s top manufacturer Molenkoning, CNDC is providing yet another quality service to our clients. Built securely, with two high walls on each side of the track and pushing gates that are electrified to prevent the horses from leaving their compartment, this system represents state of the art technology from Europe’s best selling eurociser brand.
As the horses are walking according to the automated program, switching directions regularly, they gradually build condition and spend less time standing around in their stalls. Horse Walkers are ideal for rehab cases but are also used for additional exercise for show horses.
The Equitrack system makes sure the surface wont be slippery as Equitrack provides grip and prevents "track building". It also avoids ground wasting, while its structure facilitates the drainage of water excess. Our horses already love this new addition to their workout schedule. Let us know if you have a rehab horse or just want to provide your horse some additional exercise. They will love it! |